Missing Lifeline

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8 13 Information
by Ξ Sorin Ξ
Jan 16, 2007 17:29:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Creation

Create your character, and wait until I accept you. This is the basis for all information, if someone wants to know about your character- so make it detailed please!

20 76 Sanya Eccaia
by Lupus
Feb 25, 2007 13:13:50 GMT -5
No New Posts Life Quest

Any information about the plot or upgrades to the board that I have added, or released shall be placed here.

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The Kingdom of Arohehild

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No New Posts Elna

A tiny village built in the inside of the ruins of a great metropolis. Unlike Cestiberg, the city has been utterly destroyed, and all that is left is a few broken walls and stones.

1 1 Skipping Rocks
by Arima
Apr 9, 2007 19:09:16 GMT -5
No New Posts Cestiberg

Cestiberg is the ruins of a great metropolis, orignally named Cestial point, for it was rumored that the gods took great interest in the spot.
The metropolis was destroyed long ago, but the humans found within it, shelter from the fierce winds.
The humans have built small shops in the reminants of broken buildings, and have build crude shelters inside the city to house them. The streets are made of sand, and the walls have been worn down by erosion.

1 17 Interest and Curiosity
by Llyra
Mar 4, 2007 1:13:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Nemo Nyn

Nyn Nemo founded this city as a place to raise young warriors on their nomadic quests. Nyn has long since died, but the tradition lives on. All those who wish to learn the dying art of swordsmanship can usually learn it here.

1 36 Watching them learn
by Kira
Jun 3, 2007 20:30:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Moniro Castle

The Moniro Castle used to be an important piece of history. It was the main fort that the human army protected. There fell the elven princess, Tinyadal. Of course, no one knows this anymore, and the castle sits forgotten and lonely.
It is said that the ghost of Tinyadal still walks the broken hallways.

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No New Posts Mianc Stream

Mianc supplies most of the western area of the Kingdom of Arohehild. Most "towns" are built around the river.

1 11 Thirst
by Arima
Apr 9, 2007 19:02:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Rosea Lake

Little water flows into the Rosae lake any longer. The humans of Cestiberg built a dam to force the Porase river up into their broken city. Even without a constant flow of water Rosae remains filled with plant and animal life, as does the surrounding area. Rosea is famous for it's vividly coloured flowers, that bloom around it. They were well liked by the elves for their colour and scent, but no elf has walked past the boarders of Arohehild in centuries.

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No New Posts Porase River

A wide river that used to run from the Destrund Ocean to Rosae Lake. In the few centuries, the people of Cestiberg built a dam, and forced the water to run up to their city. The river is slow, and has to twist around immovable rocks almost constantly.

1 6 Resting Behind a Rock
by Llyra
Mar 8, 2007 0:17:08 GMT -5


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No New Posts Caladel Forest

Built by magic, and the elves long ago, Caladel forest stands tall and vast in this age.
The forest grew from the desert sand, and lacks the water any normal plant would need. The trees live off of the elves magic.
The elves live inside of the forest as their main capital.

1 18 Day Dreaming
by Lupus
Mar 13, 2007 0:04:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Elven Fenyar

A former port city that was blessed with fair skies and an ever blowing wind. Now, barely any ships exist on Ula, and the winds have disappeared from the skies and the city is hammered by rain almost constantly. What makes them lucky however, is that their city is indoors. A large roof covers the entire city and shields them from the elements. But.. The elves inside have begun to change, from the lack of nature inside.

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No New Posts Contnses Hall

Contnses Hall was built to honor the elven royalty. It's a large building that has survived years of erosion with help of the elven magic. In the center of the circular building stands a tall tree. It's higher than any tree, and is said to hold the souls of every elven royal once they pass away.

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No New Posts Urnay

Urnay is the elves greatest tradesplace. All the traveling elves return to Urnay to trade what they have found, and thus whenever an elf returns to Urnay, the city is thrown into a panic. The key, is to get to the traveller, before anyone else.

1 30 Searching
by Lupus
Feb 25, 2007 20:13:30 GMT -5

The Romban Desert

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No New Posts Nasa Pass

Nasa Pass is the narrow walkway through the mountains of Farex. It's an extremely trecherous area, for there is where the earth breaks away to reveal molten lava beneath. People only walk the pass if they're desperate.

2 3 Running
by Lupus
Feb 25, 2007 14:21:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Fyarkin Market

The largest market outside of Cestiberg, not counting the tradesplace in the Hills of Afnum. The dwarves travel there to sell their weaponry to the humans of Arohiheld. It is at the base of the highest mountain in Farex Peak. The place holds annual celebrations for dwarves and humans alike.

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No New Posts Temple Ruins

Here stand the ruins of nine temples. They circle around a central monolith. The temples are dedicated to the nine gods of a millenia ago.
The gods aren't generally worshipped currently, due to their inactivity and the mortal's confusion.

1 2 Halfling
by Lupus
Feb 27, 2007 21:46:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Keji Battlefield

Where the famous war that spanned a century took place. The half elves of Evitosi and Arohiheld fought hoards of beasts now unknown to Ula to get to Fort Ata. The land is decimated and there lies the lives of many mortals. Archeologists of Arohiheld wander the area to discover where the race of beasts disappeared to.

1 29 Killing the Boredom
by ð Ciel ð
Mar 2, 2007 0:15:46 GMT -5
No New Posts Camp Dayur

The camp was log associated with connections to spirits and magical entities. Even though with the disappearance of Gods, where the undead were said to have lost the ability to wander and people with magical ability began to loose it, the undead continue to wander and this area is said to house mages. They are weak, but are mages nonetheless.

1 1 The life of a wanderer
by Elros Vardamir
Apr 15, 2007 21:50:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Conour Courto

When the elves ruled a majority of the land in peace, long ago, Conour Courto used to be a gathering spot for the continent's defenders. To deter people from landing on their shores and claiming their treasures, the elves sent off a great many people. This was also the place where the nations most vile criminals were tried. Conour Courto used to be Conur Court, before the excess letters. Conur was Ula's oldest and wisest elves. When the war between humans and elves broke out, Conur was one of the first to be assassinated.

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No New Posts Farex Peak

The two, and only mountains of Ula provide shelter for the Dwarves. They have built their homes inside of the rock, and only emerge to sell the weapons and trinkets they've crafted. Doing so, they aren't usually aware of the goings on in Ula and charge prices that were once affordable, but now extremely expensive.
The red stone that the dwarves use as currency among themselves is highly coveted by the humans, and is worth the greatest amount of goods. This red stone once caused a war among the humans and dwarves. Thus, the dwarves refer to the rubies as "Haarak-oth-Guthor" literaly meaning "Stone of red life"

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No New Posts Kenzs

Kenzs is a small town, on the far end of the Ryst territory. It recieves less mist from the Cape of Suva, but enough to sustain the Raion. This area is the main source of food for most of the Raion. The most mutated have learned to feed off the Ryst for their energy, and do not require food.. but the lesser Raion catch fish. They dive into the water, and catch the fish from there, of course, the people are unable to do so in the Cape of Suva, because there the fish have mutated also, and will not allow themselves to be eaten.

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No New Posts Ryst-Mainland

The land of Ryst surrounds that of the two lakes in the desert, and the entire north eastern peninsula. The air there is thick with an unknown gas, and only one race is known to be able to exist there. The race however has never left the area, and the general populace has forgotten who used to inhabit the area. And also, due to the general populace's lack of creativity, the gas is known as Ryst.

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No New Posts Port of Pohal

Pohal is where the Ryst is thickest other than the peninsula. The Ryst inhabitants live mainly around this area. Some of the Ryst people have found out that the mist is brought in by the waves of the Cape of Suva. None have done anything to stop this however, for they've developed an affliation to the Ryst.

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No New Posts Wilder Fen

Farthest out on the peninsula, closest to where the Ryst is formed underwater, the forest of Wilder Fen exists. The trees, much like the Raion people have mutated to co-exist peacefully in the fog. The trees grow dark purple leaves and expel the Ryst they gathered during the day, only at the moment of twilight. The mist is nearly impossible to see through, even with the Raion's formidable eyesight, so the forest is only approached on dares or on missions. In the center of the forest lives a great tree, larger than any other. It is said to feed upon the scent of death that rides the waves of Ryst, from even the farthest reaches inward to the mainland. The more poisoned souls the tree consumes, the larger it grows.

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No New Posts Angeiplaz

The Ryst is thinnest here, and will only slowly kill anyone who wanders the area for long. The Raion avoid this area for they have grown to depend on the strong influence of Ryst. The area used to be a place of angels, until it was covered in the deadly poison. Thankfully, due to the holy aura around the area, the Ryst parts. No one knows if there are still angels residing in the city.

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No New Posts Cape of Suva

The source of the Ryst. At the bottom of Suva, lies a mystery that not even the Raion dare to solve. All animal life avoids this section of the oceans.

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Western Wasteland

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No New Posts Igas Reef

Igas Reef came about it's name when a famous cartographer named Igas Kleinhof was wandering Ula. Igas was not known for his intelligence however, and he was astounded to find that water was on all sides of the continent. One of his companions, Lamar, grew so annoyed with the man that he murdered him in his sleep. Igas Reef, was where the killing took place.

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No New Posts Afnum Hills

Afnum is the largest market in all of Ula. Traders gather there, after returning from scavenges. The gathering is over 4 miles long, and the entire area is like a home away from home for travellers. The area sees people of different races, so there's always a skirmish somewhere. Thus, the marketplace has begun to house officers, to inforce laws. Too bad however, that the officer's themselves have grown to be prejudiced and tend to egg on fights, rather than put a stop to them. All in all, Afnum acts as a city- without real residents.

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No New Posts Repen Bars

The richest town in all of Ula sits inside a basin of hills. It's streets are made of stone, and it's buildings are still standing. It lacks the technology of years past, but still is one of the greatest places to live. The number of people allow this city to thrive and expand. Surrounding dunes protect the town and even allows grass to grow.

1 18 Sunset wandering
by Valandil Nargothrond
Feb 25, 2007 20:25:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Sypen Depths

The lake may not be the largest on Ula, but it's certinately the deepest. Even with Ula's primitive nature, the citizens have figured the lake to be over 2 miles deep. No one's sure what sleeps at the bottom, and no one really wants to know.

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No New Posts Fort Ata

An old metropolis that was taken over by the half-elves. After decades of abuse and ridicule, they decided to form their own city and admit none but their own. Inside the fort is said to be all the riches of Ula.. but those are most likely rumors to increase the hatred of half-elves. In any case, few half-elves leave the fort because few feel safe within the boarders of Evitosi or Arohehild.

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Estme Ocean

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Schscolo Crepaaf

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No New Posts Northwest Crystal of Shadow

The crystal floats above the small islands to the northwest. It holds the dragon spirit of knowledge. The town that protects it is home of the greatest shadow mage. The only way to see the spirit is if you have ties with magic.

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No New Posts Southern Crystal of Shadow

The crystal floating to the south is home of the dragon spirit of health. Any healer must travel and gain the blessings of the dragon spirit to earn the true path of healing.

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No New Posts Northeast Crystal of Shadow

To the Northeast is the home of the dragon spirit of aptitude. Warriors usually go to the spirit for the ability of shadow fighting. Only those of a stong heart can bare seeing the spirit.

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No New Posts Grand Crystal

It sits over the middle of the Lake of Present. The Grand Dragon of Legacy is housed here. Gives all shadow to Schscolo Crepaaf.

1 4 The Cursed Lands
by Artanis Elrohir
May 13, 2007 10:39:31 GMT -5
No New Posts Palace of the Duisternis-Kin

The grand Palace in where the elders hold meetings. The top tower is the throne room, which still awaits its Queen. The Shadow guard is here. Desviado And Kastvart were leaders in the Shadow Guard. The palace goes underground too. Anyone is welcome to the first floor, but you need higher ranks to be able to go any higher. Only the elders are allowed in the conference room.

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No New Posts Morganammerung

A town of Shadow Duisternis-Kin. North of the Lake of Present, and nearest to the Palace.

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No New Posts The Time Waters

Lake of Present, Waters of Past, and Caverns of Future is what holds the balance of time. The Caverns of Future holds the key to seeing the future, but it can backfire if misused.
The Caverns of future's waters show vauge images, if looked closly. The water is unsafe to drink in the caverns, due to the fact that the future can be changed at any moment. The Waters of past are safe to drink, because of Schscolo Crepaaf having a perfect past. The Lakes water changes, depending on how the current situations are going.

1 32 A peek into the future
by Artanis Elrohir
Apr 28, 2007 19:34:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Abenammerung

A town of Light Duisternis-Kin. Located south of the Lake of Present, the light Duisternis-Kin have made their home.

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No New Posts Nag-Tacht

This town is filled with historians, mages and healers. They make sure that Verduken is staying strong.

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No New Posts Hellslyrics and Deathsong forests

The two forests are connected through a mysterious dark power. The trees give off a faint aura that confuses people, allowing the dark creatures within to attack their prey more easily. Hell and Death are linked through a magic that warps you to the other forest, if walked in the right places.

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No New Posts The Waterfalls; Verduken and Grartig

The waterfalls is what helps keep the flow of time moving correctly. The Falls are also magically linked. If one starts to fail, so does the other. Verduken hurts Grartig more.

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Deity Planes

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No New Posts Cepheus

A plane made specifically by the gods of the sky: Sun, Star and Moon. A forever stretching plane of green grass, the sky is in perpetual twilight. On the eastern horizon sits a sun, while on the western sits a full moon, stars fill the remainder. The stars change positions depending on Seren's feelings, the moon goes through phases as Selene's moods swing and the sun grows or shrinks depending on Sorin's emotions.

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No New Posts Anastasius

The plane created by the gods of the elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. You stand upon the red earth, to the right is a sea of fire, and to the left is an ocean of water. Above flies the clouds in an ever constant wind. The tides, movement of wind and plant life on the earth depends upon the Gods.

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No New Posts Morhpeus

The now abandoned plane was home to the gods of thought. It's the only plane with a direct connection to Ula. It's also the only place where the gods can affect the people of Ula with their powers, but none of the gods know how to get in without Dream or Nightmare. The banished gods themselves can return to the plane, as it's not a part of Ula, only connected.

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4 55 Hi I'm New!!
by LesSadO
Sept 17, 2019 18:23:50 GMT -5


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